Friday, July 13, 2012

A Little Bit of a Quiet Day

This is the good part about "Living" in Paris. If everyone is tired or the weather isn't great, you don't need to panic. I think if you are on a tour or have a strict schedule or have come to Paris to see a list of things, you have too much anxiety to slow down and respect the natural rhythm of life. Yesterday, Megan was so tired that she just couldn't get herself together in time for "our" schedule.

As an example of the safety of our place, we felt very comfortable leaving her to sleep as Mike and I went off to explore the outdoor market at Bastille.

I have to confess, that in all the visits and living in Paris that I've been fortunate enough to have done, I had not been to a real neighborhood market since I was 16 and with my Aunt in St. Cloud. It was so much fun today.

I have also unlocked part of the key to why the French are so healthy. Excellent quality fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and fish and foul, and everything in between is available at obscenely affordable prices. Every time a vendor would tell me their price, I didn't believe it because the price sounded too low.

The other fun part of the market is that it's like an open air department store where you can get everything from clothing to housewares to shampoo to table clothes. Mike and I fell in love with scarves and I got to do a little bartering. I got two beautiful cashmere scarves for 45 Euros.

We walked back to the apartment with a shopping bag brimming full of fresh fruits, vegetables, scarves, fresh almonds (something I'd last had when I was 10 and in Corsica) and some wicked good stinky ripe cheese! And Mike was happy to get some fresh figs.

I loved taking to the vendors and everyone was so incredibly friendly. We saw a very strange shell fish which the lady told me was a prehistoric creature, related to the longustine and tasted similarly. It looked pretty much like a giant prehistoric bug. I should have taken a photo!!! But we'll be returning on Saturday and I'll try to get one then.

For more information about planning a great time in Paris, visit ParisMadeSimple!

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