Soon I'll be leaving on our semi-annual pilgrimage to the City of Lights. This will be my 13th trip. And with that many trips behind me, you'd think it would old hat by now.
But every thing changes: the city, technology, and travel!
This will be the first time I only bring my smart phone, no laptop or tablet. While there are drawbacks to that (like not being able to share my camera photos until I get home,) I will be glad for the lighter backpack.
But the electronics cords, still I have chargers and cords! My Fitbit, my camera, our smart phones. But I recently found a great group of new generation plug adapters which include charging plugs. These are just plug adapters, not power converters. So I do have one power converter with me, just in case.
The difference? Europe uses two round prongs and run at 220 voltage. United States uses flat prongs and 110 volts. Many newer appliances and electronics are already dual voltage so with these, you will only need the plug adapter - plug your flat plug into the adapter, plug the other side into the round holes in the wall. But, if you have a specific device that is not dual voltage, you need to convert the voltage AND the adapt the plug.
So be sure to verify all your plug-in devices before you leave.